Eurogenes Auctions

Lot 27. JK Eder Esther 2

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Early Claynook BAROLO x VG-87 2yr. Undenied x Byway Eliza VG-89 3yr. (MAX). Going back on Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL, the only cow alive with 6 EX-dtrs in Europe. Same family as: Capj Ozone VG-89-FR - 2nd place SPACE Show, Rennes 2021.

Sire: Claynook BAROLO SG
Dam: JK Eder Esther VG-87-NL VG-87-MS 2yr. | Undenied dtr of the 2-Yr Old Champion Hoornaar Show 2019 at +2.97 PTAT / +9 Conf.